Tuesday, March 11, 2008

whole wheat bread

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cyd gave me this recipe a few years ago, and it's so darn good that i am wary of trying new ones.
look how perfect it is? i'm pretty impressed with myself on this one. and don't you just want to lick the screen to taste that yummy toasted-buttery-honeyey goodness?
i do.
in a large bowl whisk together:
3 cups wheat flour
2 tbsp yeast
2 tbsp honey
2 cups warm water
whisk these ingredients together until batter is smooth. let it sit for about 20 minutes until it has grown and looks bubbly.
add and whisk together:
more honey - up to 1/2 cup total (i always add more)
1 egg
2 tsp salt
1/4 cup vegetable oil
next start adding more flour. you can continue to use wheat or begin using white. put in about 2 cups and stir. add a bit more until it's not too sticky to knead. turn out onto floured surface and knead, adding more flour a little at a time. when it's ready, cut the dough in half and form into loaves. place into 2 8 x 4 inch pans. cover both with a damp towel and rise until the bread is above the top of the pan. heat oven to 375 and bake 25-30 minutes. turn out onto racks immediately.
(sorry this is all centered, blogger is being lame AGAIN)

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